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Bathing and personal hygiene is a daily habit and part of a traditional routine. The importance of choosing bath products, especially soap, comes from the fact that they remain in daily contact with the skin, and thus have a direct impact on the health of the skin, hair and body as a whole.

Why should you choose soap carefully? 

The skin is composed of a variable pH depending on the nature of each body and many factors such as gender, age and region. The ideal pH is between 4.7 and 5.75, and therefore normal skin tends to be relatively acidic. The pH of the skin plays a key role in protecting its layers, especially the outer, from surrounding factors, such as bacteria, detergents and dirt.

On the other hand, soaps are generally made of different compositions of an alkaline nature, as most commercial soaps contain a pH between 9 to 11, and therefore, they directly affect the increase in the pH of the skin, preventing it from protecting itself as required.


What are the types of soap and how to choose the right soap? 

There are many types of soap in terms of composition and properties to include different types, whether commercial or medical. We offer you a list of types that can be chosen from according to your skin and your needs:

Medicated soap (Antibacterial soap) 

These kind of soaps include chemical compounds called triclosan or triclocarbon, which helps to eliminate bacteria effectively, as its pH ranges between 9 and 10. These products are available in the form of regular soaps or as in liquid shape, and their spread has increased significantly after the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic. On the other hand, the use of antibacterial soap is harmful if used on a daily and intensive basis, as it eliminates the beneficial and necessary bacteria in the body, and causes dryness and sensitivity of the skin.

Transparent soap 

You can find many modern-made soaps that are completely free of added colors, as they take a transparent form to avoid reliance on colorants. These soaps depend mainly on glycerine and alcohol, and are used in cases of allergies and sensitive skin that requires special care, especially for children. At the same time, not all of these soaps completely prevent allergies, as it depends primarily on the whole chemical composition of the product.

Commercial soap 

Most modern commercial soaps consist of preservatives derived from petroleum, and various chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate. Thus, they differ in their nature, composition and manufacturing mechanism significantly from traditional natural soaps that rely on oils and alkaline substances. It is advised not to use these types on a daily basis, as their unnatural chemical components may cause sensitivity on the layers of the skin and remove the necessary oils from the skin and hair.

Natural soap 

Natural soap consists mainly of mixing plant or animal fats with alkaline solutions such as sodium hydroxide, or potash (potassium fertilizer), to produce many types of soaps, different in shape, size and use. Fatty substances, fats and oils, attract dirt, while saline substances attract water, and therefore when used on the skin, they dismantle bacteria by forming small circles around them, and remove them through water. A number of essential vegetable oils can also be added to it to add a beautiful scent.


How to choose the right soap for your skin 

You can choose the appropriate soap based on the pH of your skin, as well as the purpose for which you want to use the soap.

Normal skin 

Normal skin is the one that has an average pH, meaning that it is neither acidic nor oily. Therefore, it needs a neutral soap that is not intended for oily or dry skin to prevent over drying or oily skin. The best types of soaps to use in this case are natural soaps, such as laurel soap, olive oil soap, or goat’s milk soap.

Oily skin

Oily skin is the one that has a high pH, which makes it more susceptible to the appearance of pimples, acne and blackheads. This skin requires a daily routine of cleaning the face to protect it from external factors, and soaps that contain high acidic and low alkaline substances in their composition can be used, in addition to aloe vera and sea salts.

Dry skin 

Dry skin is the one that has a low pH, which makes it more susceptible to cracks and sensitivity. Soaps that contain glycerine, jojoba oil, aloe vera, and laurel, such as natural soaps and transparent soaps, can be used to increase skin hydration.

Sensitive skin 

This type of skin is more prone to allergic complications, and therefore the choice of soap must be accurate and suitable for the skin. It is recommended to use soaps that are free of chemicals, preservatives and aromatic additives, such as natural soaps and clear soaps that are free of additives.


The Right Soap with aleplaur

In aleplaur, we offer you a large choice of the fines, modern, natural and handmade soaps, to choose the best that suits your skin carefully, reassuringly and safely. You can check out the list of our great products and choose your perfect soap.