We are proud to present our finest products made and manufactured by the best, most famous Aleppo Laurel soap companies in the entire industry. For our partners, Laurel soap production is not just a job, but it's rather an honorable heritage they have been proudly carrying in their families for ages. Because Laurel Soap is not just a soap for us, it's a heritage.
Sell With Us

A Call for the Masters of Industry.

If you are passionate about soaps, mastering the industry of Soap production with love, sincerity and dedication; you are more than welcome to sell your special products with us on our exceptional journey filled with authenticity.

We kindly ask you to fill in the form, knowing that we will contact you as soon as possible.


We Guarantee your Customers’ Satisfaction

If you are looking for the best, most natural and super delicately made soaps that will make you feel proud of your wholesale, AlepLaur is your choice.
We provide you with the best products from their authentic homeland, with the best packaging and most natural properties that will make your customers extremely satisfied.

Our products will make your customers healthier, happier, and absolutely satisfied.

We kindly ask you to fill in the form, knowing that we will contact you as soon as possible.

Soap Manufacturing

We Help you Create the Best Soap in the World.

With our wide experience in the industry of soap manufacturing, branding, retailing, and wholesaling, along with your great ambitions to be the best, most authentic soap maker in the field; We'll have the opportunity to shine bright together in our journey to create the most desirable soap of all times.

Whether it's Laurel soap, fragranced soaps, skin-care, body and bath soaps; we'll meet every expectation you aspire, in every size, shape, and color.

We kindly ask you to fill in the form, knowing that we will contact you as soon as possible.

Soap Branding

You Master the Soaps, we Master the Branding.

In aleplaur, we appreciate every initiative that seeks maintaining and improving the industry of soap manufacturing. For this sake, we would love to turn your special touch and tremendous efforts into an authentic soap widely-known brand.

If you love to share your works with the world, and become the trend of soap industry talk-of-the-town, aleplaur is your way.

We kindly ask you to fill in the form, knowing that we will contact you as soon as possible.

Looking for new opportunities? Let's grow big together!